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  • Guangzhou Light Industry Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.

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  • Health food industry to solve the problem of the process will be more scientific supervision

    Health food industry to solve the problem of the process will be more scientific supervision

    To regulate the production of health food production permit review, urging enterprises to implement the main responsibility to protect the quality and safety of health food safety, the State Food and Drug Administration under the "People's Republic of China Food Safety Law" "Food Production Licensing Management Measures" "health food registration and filing management And the relevant provisions of the relevant laws, regulations and technical standards, the organization has formulated the Detailed Rules for the Examination and Approval of Health Food Production Licensing, which was issued in December 2016 and shall come into effect on January 1, 2017.


  • The 6th Asian Food Equipment Forum was held in Hangzhou

    The 6th Asian Food Equipment Forum was held in Hangzhou

    China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association Chu Yufeng presided over the opening ceremony of the forum November 28, China Food and Packaging Machinery Industry Association, the sixth session of the Third Council and the sixth Asian food equipment forum held in Hangzhou victory. Forum to "dream of China - cross-border, integration, innovation" as the main purpose, from the interpretation of the national manufacturing industry development strategy to explore the development of food equipment industry


  • China 's food safety supervision faces the challenge of "new normal"

    China 's food safety supervision faces the challenge of "new normal"

    May 10, 2016, July 20 and October 27, the State Food and Drug Administration issued the first, second and third quarter of food safety supervision and inspection of the situation of the notice. Sampling found the main problem in the first quarter: food over the range


  • Practice "the same line with the same quality", the benefit of the profits and interests of enterprises

    Practice "the same line with the same quality", the benefit of the profits and interests of enterprises

    September 2014, Premier Li Keqiang in listening to the work of quality inspection report, the quality inspection departments to promote enterprises to export products and domestic products in the same production line by the same standard production, so that the export products to achieve the same quality standards. In order to meet the needs of domestic consumption upgrades to help export food enterprises to provide quality products to the domestic consumer market


  • The first batch of food safety demonstration city released in June, will be named by the State Council Food Safety Office

    The first batch of food safety demonstration city released in June, will be named by the State Council Food Safety Office

    The first batch of national food safety demonstration city will be officially released in June this year. Reporters on the 14th from the State Food and Drug Administration learned that by then, the State Council Food Safety Office will be held through the national level of public comment on the first batch of national food safety demonstration city named after the award.


  • "Thirteen five" period, the food industry will enter a new normal

    "Thirteen five" period, the food industry will enter a new normal

    March 17, 2016, "the People's Republic of China national economic and social development of the thirteenth five-year plan" (hereinafter referred to as "thirteen five" plan) released. "Thirteen five" plan to food safety issues referred to the national strategic height, put forward the implementation of food safety strategy to promote healthy China construction.


  • "Special medical food is blue ocean"

    "Special medical food is blue ocean"

    On March 10, 2016, the General Administration of Food and Drug Administration formulated and promulgated the Measures for the Administration of the Registration of Food for Special Medical Use (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulations on the Registration of Food for Special Medical Use"). In accordance with the Measures for the Administration of Food Registration, "Approach"), the "approach" in the same year on July 1 implementation.


  • Meat processors face higher risk

    Meat processors face higher risk

    Food safety is the top priority for all food processing plants, and meat processors may face more inherent risks than other processors, and because of this risk they will learn to adapt to additional Regulations.


  • Pure natural: the trend of the trend

    Pure natural: the trend of the trend

    Despite the current global economic uncertainty, slow growth in emerging markets, and consumer spending is very cautious, but the beverage industry in 2013 is still expected to achieve growth. The Dutch Cooperative Bank recently released the "2013 Global Beverage Industry Outlook for Growth" report that the global soft drink industry will continue to span "two different worlds"
